How to be Smart: A Red Couch Interview with Baratunde Thurston

We’re huge fans of Baratunde Thurston, 34, at Flipboard. A humorist and former digital director at The Onion, Thurston pretty much makes his living these days as a public speaker, logging a few hundred thousand miles a year. It’s easy to see why: He’s endlessly interesting to listen to—and even more fun to interview. We sat down with him in New York City recently to discuss, among other things: his book, How to Be Black; the state of social media; and whether we’ll ever reach a point where talking about race is boring.

You can listen to Baratunde’s SoundCloud channel on Flipboard by tapping the badge below.

Next up in our week-long celebration of sound at Inside Flipboard is an interview with Evan Tenenbaum, a SoundCloud audio content manager who reveals what you need to know about recording original sounds for the platform. Until then, tap the red ribbon to explore some of our favorite sound creators in the new Audio category.

